Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.

Writing Excuses 8.49: Hard Social Science Fiction with Joel Shepherd

Joel Shepherd joined Brandon, Mary, and Howard before a live audience at GenCon Indy to talk about writing hard science fiction where the science in question is social science. He’s studied international relations, interned on Capitol Hill, and is working a PhD in the field. His books reflect this background.

If hard science fiction is an exploration of what is technically, physically possible given a set of circumstances, hard social science fiction is no different. Further than that, however, good research in the social sciences will allow an author to build complex and realistic plots, stories in which character motivations go much further than picking a side.

Homework: Pick two people on the same side of a conflict, but give them completely different motivations for fighting on that side.

Thing of the week: Crossover: Cassandra Kresnov Book 1, by Joel Sheperd, narrated by Dina Pearlman.

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