Writing Excuses 8.46: Editing with Aeryn Rudel
Aeryn Rudel, publications manager (it’s like the editor-in-chief) of Privateer Press‘s Skull Island X imprint, joins us to talk about editing. Obligatory disclaimer — Aeryn is Howard’s boss when Howard writes things like “Extraordinary Zoology.”
Aeryn begins by explaining to us what it is that he’s looking for in works, in the authors with whom he works, and how writers might prepare themselves for this kind of work, but his real job here on the ‘cast is to talk to us about the role of the editor. Much of that role deals with continuity of to the setting and the tone of the piece, but there’s plenty more.
Homework: Hell’s copyeditor.
Thing of the week: The Blade Itself: The First Law: Book One by Joe Abercrombie, narrated by Steven Pacey.
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