Writing Excuses 8.10: Brainstorming With Howard Again
In this episode Brandon, Mary, and Dan help Howard brainstorm a story for a comic!
Howard begins with an uplift-related setting, and a couple of characters, and then the group takes off on a delightful demonstration of brainstorming within very specific constraints. The constraints in this case: existing setting and canon, existing characters, and (Howard’s favorite constraint) a limited page-count.
Disappointment of Epic Levels: Howard struggled so much with this story, even after the brainstorming session, that he decided to abandon the Bonus Story option for this book, and instead write a dozen new footnotes for the existing strips. This is no reflection upon the story itself. Brandon, Dan, and Mary did a great job. This story may see life someplace else, but not between the covers of “The Body Politic.”
Homework: An uplifted creature wants to get his/her entire species downlifted.
Thing of the week: Fragments, by Dan Wells, narrated by Julia Whelan.
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