19.38: A Close Reading on Tension: Anticipation and Subversion
When you’re subverting your readers’ expectations, do you need to do the exact opposite of what they’re anticipating? Today, we dive into this question, using various examples of books and movies. We then examine how P. Djèlí Clark does this throughout Ring Shout– does he subvert our expectations completely? Not always. In fact, sometimes he does the opposite.
Thing of the Week: White Cat, Black Dog by Kelly Link
Homework: Write a scene listening to three different piece of music that move you in different ways.
Credits: Your hosts for this episode were Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, and Howard Tayler. It was produced by Emma Reynolds, recorded by Marshall Carr, Jr., and mastered by Alex Jackson.
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Key points: Anticipation and subversion. Set something up for the reader, then send it off in a completely different direction than they expect. You don’t have to go the exact opposite. Lateral! Lean into it! Support your subversion with something else in the text. First show you know what you’re doing, then start subverting. Mini-subversions and Chekhov’s whiskey bottle. Humor and horror. Mix it up, sometimes follow the trope, sometimes subvert it. Widening the lens can be a subversion. Use in text subversion. Use the POV character’s attitude.
[Season 19, Episode 38]
[Mary Robinette] This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by our listeners, patrons, and friends. If you would like to learn how to support this podcast, visit www.patreon.com/writingexcuses.
[Season 19, Episode 38]
[Mary Robinette] This is Writing Excuses.
[DongWon] A Close Reading on Tension: Anticipation and Subversion.
[Erin] 15 minutes long, because you’re in a hurry.
[Howard] And we’re not that smart.
[Mary Robinette] I’m Mary Robinette.
[DongWon] I’m DongWon.
[Erin] I’m Erin.
[Howard] I’m Howard.
[Mary Robinette] One of my favorite forms of tension is the thing where you set something up for the reader, and then you send it off in a completely different direction than they expect. It’s something that P. Djèlí Clark does again and again in Ring Shout. An example from a different property… It’s one that DongWon mentioned earlier in this series when they were talking about the… in The Candyman…
[DongWon] The Candyman.
[Mary Robinette] The Candyman remake with the opening the door, the long set of stairs, looking down it, and going, “Nope!”
[Mary Robinette] Like, we are anticipating that, and that just subverts it. It’s like, nope. We’re going to do the exact opposite. We’re going to go in a completely different way than you expected. So, when we’re playing with anticipation and subversion, is it necessary to always go in the exact opposite direction when you’re subverting or are there other options?
[DongWon] Yeah. I think there’s so many ways to subvert. Right? There’s the complete inversion. Right? But then you can also just sort of sometimes make a lateral move. Right? Like, the nope example is the complete subversion, but to stay on the Jordan Peel tip for a second, the movie Nope make sort of a right turn instead of a complete inversion. What originally feels like an alien invasion story is still about aliens, but it has morphed into a monster movie instead. So he is very carefully subverting our expectations over and over and over again throughout that movie. In general, he’s a complete master at this. But the turn into the more adventure and monster tone that that movie goes into, I think is such a great example of how to be very playful with your audience while still honoring the core experience that people showed up to your movie for.
[Howard] Another really great example of that is the hotel desk scenes in the original Beverly Hills Cop and in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F where Eddie Murphy pretends to be someone he’s not in order to get a free hotel room. In the second movie, he starts into it, and then stops, and says, “Oh, I’m too tired. Do you have any open rooms?” The woman says, “I do.” “I would like a room, please.” Yeah, complete subversion. Then she quotes the price, and he gives us the same deadpan I’m going to accept this price that he gave us in the first movie. So it’s a… It’s almost like it’s a double subversion.
[Mary Robinette] So, one of the things that I think is fun is that you can subvert something by moving away from it, but you can also subvert something by leaning into it more. I’m going to go back to that butcher shop scene. Because we get… We get this… She has this really horrific nightmare, where she sees this butcher and he’s this redheaded man and he’s got mouths all over him, and then she wakes up and it’s horrifying. You’re like, “Well, that’s a really bad dream.” Then she goes to the butcher shop and what I’m expecting to happen is for that dream to have been a metaphor for something else. It turns out, no. In fact, he is a redheaded butcher who is covered in mouths, and then we lean into it even further because each of those mouths is a separate individual creature. That is all composing this one horrific person. So it is… It’s not the thing that I thought it was going to be. It is setting it up and then it’s going I’m just going to take it further than you thought it could go. That’s another way that I think you can subvert something.
[DongWon] Well, the subversion can lean into the thematic core…
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[DongWon] Of the things as well. Right? Because thematically, it’s not one evil person. It’s not one dude doing this. It is the host, it is the collection of all the different perspectives, all the different people that that represents, all the different intelligences that make up the butcher. Just the sheer horror of realizing you’re not dealing with one guy, you’re dealing with a system of people, a way of being.
[Erin] I think when subversion works really well, it’s when it is supported by something else in the text.
[Mary Robinette] Yes.
[Erin] So it doesn’t feel like you’ve just gone out completely on a limb. But it’s a limb to a tree that is being supported by your story. In this case, it is that her sword is also a multitude of voices.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] So you’ve got the multitude of voices that are good, or not good, but that are in support and the multitude of voices that are apart. That becomes more and more apparent over the course of the story until it eventually, like, in the climax, that becomes, like, the song versus anti-song, becomes like a huge part of the climax. So, leaning into it and subverting it also is the story that’s being told here on purpose.
[DongWon] Also, it’s very important to think about patterns here, too, because when you want to subvert, you kind of have to show that you know what you’re doing first. If the first move you make is a subversion, then it sometimes will just feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. Right? But if you look at Ring Shout, that opening fight is a sequence of promises that are delivered on. Maybe not delivered exactly how you expected. Like, he knows how to draw the beat out, draw the tension out. Right? It’s not the bomb that kills them. Because the way that scene unfolds, where the explosion is the start of the fight, which then resolves inside the warehouse. Right? So, what he’s doing, over the course of that scene, is setting up all these beats, all these reveals, by making us promises, and delivering on them. Right? Setting up the anticipation, and then saying, here’s the thing. So that when later he wants to start messing with us and providing that subversion, which is adding extra layers to it, which is pushing the book in different thematic directions, where it’s like, “Oh, this isn’t just a we’re going to have sword fights with monsters book, there’s more going on here,” we’re open to it because we have the competence, he’s proven to us that he knows what he’s doing.
[Erin] I also think there’s some interesting mini-subversions in that scene. Like, for example, there is a whole, like, we’re in a cotton warehouse, like, in a story about the South…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] But it’s not important. Like, it’s just that’s just what’s there. And they find the whiskey, and I was like, “Ah, this will be key to everything, this whiskey.” It’s not. It is just…
[DongWon] No, they’re just mad because they’re competitors.
[Erin] They’re just like, “No.” It does actually matter in the course of the story.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] But it isn’t like, oh, this is going to be the key to figuring it all out. What I like about that is it says, “Oh, like I need to pay attention. I can’t just check out and be like, oh, this is going to check these boxes…”
[DongWon, Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] It’s going to follow the steps. I don’t need to worry about it, and I can kind of half pay attention. It’s like, no, the things that you think may be key are not. The things you’re maybe not paying attention… As much attention to are in fact important. I love that because it makes you lean into the text.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah. It looks like it’s going to be Chekhov’s whiskey bottle, but… Like that is a thing that you expect. It’s like you set it up in Act I, it’s going to go off in Act III. And Chekhov’s whiskey bottle does not, in fact, have to be consumed.
[DongWon] Sometimes a whiskey is just a whiskey.
[Chuckles] [laughter]
[Howard] Okay. So we’re laughing… We’re laughing at this. I want to point out that the whole principle of anticipation and subversion is one that horror and humor rely on incredibly. I’m going to put a stake in the ground here and say if you want to write good humor, become a student of horror. If you want to write good horror, become a student of humor. Because learning how people use these tools for things other than what you plan to use them for is how you’ll get better at using them.
[DongWon] Horror writers are some of the funniest people I know. Like, their ability to dig into on the one hand, very dark material, but also that gives them so much of the toolset to deliver a great punchline, tell a great story, and things like that. So…
[Mary Robinette] Which reminds me of this really important point. But we’re going to take a break right now.
[Erin] No…
[DongWon] No one writes a story like Kelly Link. There’s such an odd pacing to them, and I find in that to be endlessly enchanting. Her worldbuilding, character work, and deep interest in what makes people people keeps her at the top of my list of writers of short fiction. She has a new collection called White Cat, Black Dog. This shows that she remains at the peak of her abilities. Rife with creepy encounters, fairytale retellings, and even just strange creatures, this is a unique and rewarding read that I cannot recommend highly enough.
[Mary Robinette] Now, the pattern from Writing Excuses over the years is that coming back from the break, I’m going to tell you what that important point is. But I have another question for you. When we are looking at Ring Shout… I’m certain that someone out there is like, “No, she’s making this up.” No. When we’re looking at Ring Shout, and one of the other things that we had talked about with that, that anticipation and subversion is the thing with the girl. That we keep anticipating that this is going to be important, and where it finally is revealed, it is in a different way than we expect, and also exactly the same way. Do you think that there are ways that he could have subverted that more than he did, or do you think it’s important that he follows the pattern there?
[Erin] We’re stumped.
[Howard] That’s a difficult question, because I was so enamored of the beauty of the resolution of that scene that I’m reluctant to suggest any possible change.
[Mary Robinette] So, this is one of the things that I wanted us to be thinking about for our listeners is that when we’re talking about this anticipation and subversion, that a lot of times someone can see a tool and be like I want to use that all the time, and that actually the reason it works is because there are patterns that are set up and followed through.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] So you don’t know which ones are going to be subverted and which ones are going to be like oh, that’s kind of the payoff I was expecting. Which means that everything then becomes tenuous and tense.
[DongWon] Exactly. It’s how you keep it from feeling quote unquote trope-y. Right? Like, I get a little frustrated when people say that a book is trope-y as a criticism. In part, because, again, returning to my whole patterns thing, books are made up of tropes we’ve seen before. They’re all just combined and recombined in different ways. But those little subversions, having the little subversion of, like, the girl isn’t the age that she was when that event happened reveals itself to mean something else in that moment. But those little moments helped disrupt the sense of oh, I’ve seen this pattern before, even though we absolutely have. Right? I think including small moments like that, not fulfilling every single pattern you set up, having some make a right turn, having some of them invert, I think adds the kind of texture and nuance that people are looking for from a book that make it feel like it’s not just paint by numbers.
[Erin] I think in that particular example, like, the subversion is in the widening of the lens. So, sometimes the way that you subvert things is that you create a pattern, and then you’re like it’s a much broader, a wider pattern then you even realize. One of the things that I love is that I had the same thought twice during that sequence of the girl. There’s the one where she is a little girl, like, I think, like hiding under the floorboards. And she feels guilty, and I think, “Of course she couldn’t do anything.” Then you realize she’s 18 and I thought, “Of course she couldn’t do anything.”
[Mary Robinette] Ooo…
[Erin] Like, that difference in context, nothing has changed in my understanding, really, but the broader context just made it like hit me so much more.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] And I think having that…
[Mary Robinette] Yah…
[Erin] Earlier moment of sympathy made that sympathy carry through, and made it so much more tragic when I understood.
[DongWon] Exactly. Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] That is a really good example of that kind of widening of the lens, of different ways of subverting. What are some other ways that we can… That we saw this being subverted?
[Erin] I have one other one which is I love that there is an in text subversion. So I like when subversion is happening, it’s happening in our minds, it’s happening in context, but the belief that what she would be offered was to have her family live again…
[Mary Robinette, DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] Is a belief that I also considered as one that the story would do. But I love that she considers it on page and is told her beliefs and her anticipation is subverted in the text. Because it is an interesting way, like, it’s subverted for me as well, but then I also get to see the emotions play out.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] How do I feel about that? How does she feel about that, is an even better question may be to be asking. By subverting it on the page, I get a chance to experience it, both from my reader perspective, and also from, like, the parts of me that is identifying with her as a POV character.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah. Also, the fact that as we go into that scene, we are not told what her decision would be. For that… That she thinks she’s already made the decision. I’m like, “Oh. Are you going to turn that down?” Then, when she gets the actual decision, and is… Like, the actual offer, and the temptation that she has… I’m also, like, I have a certain amount of sympathy for the temptation that you’re having right now.
[Erin] Yeah.
[DongWon] Yeah. I think the core inversion of the question of what does it mean to be a hero in that circumstance. Right? The question of is the sword good or is it a curse? Right?
[Mary Robinette] Right.
[DongWon] Is really core to it. And her relationship to the haints and things like that… Like, we are so conditioned as the reader to be like, “Oh. You’re the chosen one. You’re getting all these cool magical powers. You have the magic sword. You’re the hero of this.” But we can see how corrupting that is on her. Then, when the offer itself is subverted, that leads to us recontextualizing and questioning all of her choices about the story and what future she represents for this community, for herself, for all of these… All of the people that she holds and represents in a very literal way.
[Howard] There’s also a subversion of the overall meta-, which is… This looks like a story about good versus evil, and when we get to our resolution, it’s… Well, there’s good and there’s evil, and there’s something else. All of these things are on the table and in play. That was the point where I got chills…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Howard] Like, oh, this is neat.
[Erin] Yeah. I think it’s also, just like the subversion of good versus evil. One thing that I… Not my favorite thing is that you will have like forces that like all evil forces line up together and they all agree on…
[Erin] I guess the evil of it all. But what I like here is that each set of folks, like each group here, has their own perspective on each other.
[DongWon] Yes.
[Erin] Like, the haints are like, “I don’t know about this, like, lady.”
[DongWon] Yes.
[Erin] And the woman is like, “I don’t know about going to the night doctors.” They’re all sort of, and in some ways, she needs them all. I think in a story that’s ultimately about communities…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] Communities for good, communities for ill. The fact that there is a community of people working together, none of whom are quite good or evil, but each have their own perspectives and needs that can align for this moment is something that’s really power subversion of the overarching trope.
[DongWon] Like her going to the night doctors is such a hero’s journey in a certain way. Where we’re expecting her to, like, go on this quest, rebuild the sword, like, she’s literally like reforging whatever Aragorn’s sword’s name was, I forgot it all of a sudden. But, like, whatever. She’s off to the quest of re-forge the magic sword, all of these things we’re expecting in this regard. That just takes such a hard right turn into something completely different. The night doctors scene was probably my favorite in the book, just because it is… It just feels almost like it’s from a different story. But still is so in conversation with the thematic’s, with the characters, with the world, that it felt like it’s from a different story, but in a good way. Not, I mean, parentheses complementary. Right? Being able to subvert expectations that way, of just like making the hard 90 degree turn into something else for a second, I think made the world feel so much more expansive and rich and nuanced than if we just stayed with the haints and the butcher.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah. As you were saying that, it made me realize that there are two places, two different worlds that she portals into.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] The contrast between those two is really interesting and fun to play with. Something else that I was also thinking about in terms of subversion is that one of the ways you can subvert something is with the hero’s attitude towards what they get. So that sometimes your hero achieves the goal that they were going for and they’re unhappy about it. That’s a way to subvert a victory. Sometimes they lose something, and they’re like, “Oh, thank heavens I lost that thing,” and they’re happy about it. That’s… The attitude of your POV character is one of the ways that you can subvert things.
[Howard] That sounds like it might be homework.
[Mary Robinette] Ah, it’s pretty close to homework. So, this is a time in Writing Excuses when we normally offer you homework. This has been Writing Excuses…
[Mary Robinette] The homework that I have for you is I want you to take a trope and I want you to write for different outcomes for it. One of it doesn’t deliver the trope outcome. Just like the nope. Just doesn’t deliver it. One of it inverts the trope. It goes in the opposite direction of what you’re expecting. One of them has an unexpected kindness. And one of them has an unexpected cruelty. And now…
[Mary Robinette] This has been Writing Excuses. You’re out of excuses. Now go subvert something.
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