Season 19: Announcing Close Reading Picks!
We have exciting news to share! Our Close Reading Series will be starting on March 17, 2024!
We’ll be diving into 5 elements of writing by focusing on five different literary texts. We’ll spend five episodes on each one, and then we’re going to… drumroll please… interview the author(s)!
As you know, we’ve spent lots of time reading, writing, talking, and recording our thoughts about different elements of the craft. But this year, we wanted to ground our episodes in specific texts that you could read along– and analyze– with us!
So it is with great pleasure that we announce our Close Reading Series! Below is the schedule for each book or short story we’ll be diving into.
The date on the right is the air date of the first episode in our series that will begin talking about that text as a way to explore an element of craft.
You can buy the books through our bookshop affiliate link (and support local bookstores!)
- Read by March 17th, This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone & Amal El-Mohtar
- Read by May 12th, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
- Read by July 7th, Assorted short stories by C.L. Clark*
- Read by September 1st, Ring Shout by by P. Djèlí Clark
- Read by October 13th, The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
*For C.L. Clark we are doing a set of their short stories. You can read them all for free:
- “You Perfect Broken Thing“- Uncanny Magazine
- “Your Eyes, My Beacon: Being and Account of Several Midadventures and How I Found My Way Home” – Uncanny Magazine
- “The Cook” – Uncanny Magazine