Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.

Help make the Writing Excuses Website better

Hey all, Jordan here.

Howard and I have discussed ways to make the site better, such as adding tagging to posts so you guys can group content, and I thought I’d go ahead and ask you all on feed back on the site. Now keep in mind that this is a wordpress site and so there are changes that won’t happen if it requires me to change code–I just don’t have the time–but if there are things that have WordPress Plug-ins and are requested enough we’ll look at adding them.

Also if there are things in the sidebars you think should be re-arranged (content being hard to find or poorly labeled) let us know that as well.

So feel free to leave comments in this thread and if you know your suggestion has a WP Plug-in it would help if you gave us it’s name–but I don’t expect people to go searching for plug-ins (unless you want to) so don’t let that stop you from giving us suggestions.
