Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard talk endings, and how to troubleshoot common problems writers have with them.
Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard talk endings, and how to troubleshoot common problems writers have with them.
Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard talk about using character foils in building a story.
Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman from the Interstitial Arts Foundation join Mary Robinette Kowal and Dan Wells to talk about the gaps between genres.
Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard brainstorm some fantasy setting elements for you. Need a magic system on the cheap? How about a political power structure?
Brandon, Dan, Howard, and Mary talk about making characters do dumb things for smart reasons.
Andrew P. Mayer joins Howard, Mary, and Dan to talk about taking silly ideas and making seriously awesome stuff out of them.
Jonathan Maberry joins Howard, Dan, and Mary to discuss pigeonholes — specifically, not ending up in one.
Mur Lafferty joins Howard, Mary, and Dan to talk about ways in which writers can continue their education.
Lou Anders joins Dan, Howard, and Mary for a discussion of endings.
Lou Anders joins Mary, Dan, and Howard at Dragon*Con for a discussion of the Hollywood Formula.