Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard brainstorm some fantasy setting elements for you. Need a magic system on the cheap? How about a political power structure?
Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.
Brandon, Dan, Mary, and Howard brainstorm some fantasy setting elements for you. Need a magic system on the cheap? How about a political power structure?
Brandon, Mary, Dan, and Howard each crank out the beginnings of a story from the same set of story seeds.
“The wind rushed across his skin at several hundred miles per second, and registered as an itch.” Brandon, Dan, and Mary tear into Howard’s two-decade-old manuscript with an eye towards descriptions.
Brandon, Dan, Howard, and Mary brainstorm a cyberpunk story using concepts pulled at random from a mythology textbook.
Brandon, Dan, and Howard brainstorm an urban fantasy set in a big-box store in Park City, Utah.
James Dashner and Julie Wright join Brandon and Dan at CONduit in Salt Lake City, and may end up wishing they hadn’t. Brandon throws sets of story concepts at the crew, and asks them to quickly frame serious stories with a solid settings and cool characters. The first set of…
You are going to love this episode. Seriously. Brandon throws an idea at Dan and Howard, and then we spend 15 minutes expanding on that idea as if we were going to base a story around it. You people who keep asking where we get our ideas? You’re asking the…