19.37: A Close Reading on Tension: Movement and Resolution
Today, we’re using music as an entry-point for tension. Howard introduces us to the power of the half-step, and other musical metaphors that can help you to incorporate tension in a new way to your writing. And then DongWon updates the metaphor with an electronic dance music analogy.
We also dive into questions you can ask as you weave tension into your work in progress, such as, “what does your character have to gain by withholding their secret?”
Thing of the Week: Clueless (the movie!)
Homework: Write a scene three times. Same scene, and make sure to write it from scratch three times. But listen to different music each time.
Credits: Your hosts for this episode were Mary Robinette Kowal, DongWon Song, Erin Roberts, and Howard Tayler. It was produced by Emma Reynolds, recorded by Marshall Carr, Jr., and mastered by Alex Jackson.
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Key points: The law of the half step, a little movement creates tension. Solutions to problems that create a whole new problem. Yes-but, no-and! Repetitions that have changed just a little bit. Don’t play coy with the reader, withholding secrets. Make sure your reveal give us new information, moves the story forward. EDM beat drops! Use mini-drops, small revelations, to assure your reader that we are moving towards a resolution. Use multiple threads, multiple pieces of tension, at any given time. Resolve something that the reader doesn’t know needs resolution. Make sure the movement and resolution is story driven. Reframe have to do as get to do. Reframe have to hold this back from the reader as at this point, I get to reveal this amazing thing, and I am going to build to that reveal. Make your goal to be cursed by readers who didn’t want to feel the thing that you just made them feel.
[Season 19, Episode 37]
[Mary Robinette] This episode of Writing Excuses has been brought to you by our listeners, patrons, and friends. If you would like to learn how to support this podcast, visit www.patreon.com/writingexcuses.
[Howard] You’re invited to the Writing Excuses Cruise, an annual event for writers who want dedicated time to focus on honing their craft, connecting with their peers, and getting away from the grind of daily life. Join the full cast of Writing Excuses as we sail from Los Angeles aboard the Navigator of the Seas from September 19th through 27th in 2024, with stops in Ensenada, Cabo San Lucas, and Mazatlán. The cruise offers seminars, exercises, and group sessions, an ideal blend of relaxation, learning, and writing, all while sailing the Mexican Riviera. For tickets and more information, visit writingexcuses.com/retreats.
[Season 19, Episode 37]
[Mary Robinette] This is Writing Excuses.
[DongWon] A Close Reading on Tension: Movement and Resolution.
[Erin] 15 minutes long, because you’re in a hurry.
[Howard] And we’re not that smart.
[Mary Robinette] I’m Mary Robinette.
[DongWon] I’m DongWon.
[Erin] I’m Erin.
[Howard] And I’m Howard.
[Howard] I want to talk about music for a moment. Way back when I was studying music composition, one of my instructors talked about what he called the law of the half step. Which was that when there’s a note that is a half step off from being the tonic or the dominant or whatever, from being in resolution, you have a chord that has created tension, has created a need for movement. The whole principle behind this was that as you are composing, you want to build chords where there are these half step movements just waiting to happen. You don’t want to move a whole step, you don’t want to have a note jump, especially if you’re writing for choir. You don’t want to have somebody jump a third or a fourth or a fifth in order to resolve the chord. You want the little movements that make things resolve. In teaching us about this, he said, “Now let’s listen to some Wagner,” because he was a cruel, cruel man. What we learned in listening to Wagner is Wagner was always resolving in one direction, while shifting something else out…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Howard] Of place. He knew what he was doing. How does this tie into close reading tension with regard to Ring Shout, where the tension depends on something that is just a little bit out of place? Something… It doesn’t need to move far, but it needs to move. It really needs to move. The longer it doesn’t move, the tenser we get.
[Mary Robinette] One of the things that I love about this is it’s a different way of describing something that I often use when I’m trying to create tension, which is the solution to whatever problem your character is dealing with creates a new problem.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] Which… One of the things that I specifically think about in Ring Shout is the butcher shop scene. She needs to find the butcher shop. She needs to go and confront this guy. Doing so unlocks… It’s like she does it. She has the confrontation. That unlocks this whole other enormous problem that… The dream that she had had was not actually just a dream. Ugh. I still have problems with that scene.
[DongWon] I mean, we see that again, over and over, he’s doing that in terms of creating these moments that are the yes-but, no-and. Right? Like things… Even when things don’t work out for them, it opens a door to further progressing the story. When things do work out for them, it works out in an unexpected way. Right? So, I think the night doctors is another great example of that…
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[DongWon] When she goes into the tree, there’s a [garbled] name for the tree that I’m forgetting in the moment, but…
[Mary Robinette] The Angel Tree.
[DongWon] Yeah. The Dead Angel Tree. Sort of that whole sequence, which is this deeply upsetting thing, which is a solution to a problem. But it raises so many more questions in doing so. Right?
[Erin] What I love about both the girl from the dream and also the sort of brother’s voice that comes out, is that it’s one of those things where it’s like every time we come back to it, it’s moved a little bit. So like there’s a little bit of tension in that. Because you know that there’s some revelation coming. There’s no reason this would be occurring over and over again in the story, and then be like, “Oh, well. That happened.” Like, it seems like it’s building towards something. But in between, there’s all these immediate, like, present tensions. Like, I gotta go into this butcher shop.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] I have to like run into a place on fire. But then it will be like, “Oh, this little voice.” And the voices saying something a little different. Oh, this little girl. But she looks a little different. It’s almost like those movies where something small on a shelf moves out of the corner of your eye…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] And all of a sudden, you’re like, “Oh, my God, this moved such a long way.”
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] That is a great way…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] To build tension in this story.
[DongWon] Yeah. Well, to return to the music metaphor, it’s that scale is building in the background. Right? It’s each note is progressing up the scale, and at some point we know that’s going to resolve. We know that’s going to have to go somewhere.
[Howard] The… Going back to the music again, and the law of the halfstep. When you have a repeated theme in music, but something is changing, the accompaniment has changed, the tempo has changed. We’ve all heard it done when you play a familiar melody in a minor key. One of my favorite examples of that was Katrina and the Waves played in a minor key as part of a tribute during a Hurricane Katrina fundraiser. It was emotionally superpowerful, but you make little changes and it tells the reader, tells the listener, we’re going somewhere. We’re not just waiting for this piece to end. There is a resolution coming, and the modification of the thing that you’re familiar with is leading toward that resolution.
[Mary Robinette] This is one of the things that P. Djèlí Clark does that I see early career writers not get where they have a character who has a secret, who has some past traumatic event, and they play coy with the reader. The reason that it does not work is, when it’s handled badly is, that there isn’t that movement, there isn’t that giving us new information, there isn’t anything to be gained by the withholding. In this, is the withholding and then the resolution of that. When she finally goes and has to relive that memory fully, that is a… That is a major plot point. It is one of the things that the story is building towards. As we are going through it, there are these tiny movements, we get these small resolutions every time we come back to it. With the things that Erin was talking about, with those, every time we come back to the voice, it’s a little bit different. It’s a… It is these small resolutions that then open up a different question.
[Howard] There’s a common trope in all kinds of fiction where there is a secret and someone asks about the secret and the answer is you don’t want to know the answer. Oh, you’re not ready for me to tell you that yet. It’s often so ham-fisted that we just think of it as a trope and we hate it. But in Ring Shout, there are secrets that she is not ready for the answer to. When you talk about the butcher shop, in particular, and we get an answer and the answer is a reveal where there is a whole scary horrible mess that you were just not ready to know about earlier.
[DongWon] Yeah. To modernize the metaphor a little bit, from Wagner… Sorry. But you can think about it in terms of like in EDM beat drop. Right? Like, you’re building this slow thing, and then the beat drops, and now you’re in a different rhythm and things are going faster. What you want is that sense of release when you get there. When you get to that beat drop, things should be popping off, being a little chaotic. Then you’ll find a different rhythm, you’ll find a different pace as you settle in past that moment. But the butcher shop is such a good example of that because it’s a thrilling scene. Right? It is… The things that are happening in it are like absolutely buck wild. Even compared to the kind of horror we’d seen up until that point, this is reaching a different crescendo of that. Right? Which is part of the mix. That sequence is so memorable and is going to set the pace and tone for the back half of this story.
[Howard] We’re going to take a quick break. When we come back, we’re going to talk about moving toward that resolution.
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[Erin] The movie Clueless is great.
[Erin] I’ll just say it. So my recommendation is watch the movie Clueless, the nineties Valley girl retelling of the Jane Austen book, Emma. It’s got classic clues, it’s got amazing actors, it’s got Paul Rudd at whatever age he was claiming to be at that moment. But the thing that I really love paying attention to is the way they take something from a completely different era, the Regency era, and move it into nineties valley girl voice. If you’re thinking about voice in your own work, think about how did they do that? How do they make it seem like Clueless is a movie of the time and place that it’s from while still keeping the plot and all of the things that come with being a retelling of an Austen classic? One thing I like to think about that you may do as you watch this work is how would you make that same story happen in the world that you’re building? Enjoy that, while you watch Clueless.
[Howard] So you might have in front of you an outline for your work in progress where you’ve got a pretty clear picture of where things are going. Many of us will look at you and laugh a little bit, because your characters have not yet run away with the story. Others of us will look at you very jealously and say, “Wow, I wish my outlines work that way.” The thing to remember is that this is your plan. You have an idea of how to move and how to resolve. The reader isn’t in on it. Part of what makes Ring Shout, for me, so satisfying is that at every stage I could tell that we were moving toward a resolution. I knew that, but I had no idea what it was. How do you set about creating that for your readers?
[Erin] I would say that one of the things that I loved that I was talking about before with ring shout That is the mini-drops, the small answers that let you know that questions will be answered. So, looking at the sort of dream figure of the little girl… It’s a little girl, who is this? Who is this girl? Wait, this girl is me? Wait, this girl wasn’t a girl. And there’s a barn. Like, there’s all these pieces of information…
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] Come out. Like, we don’t learn about the barn, really, until about three or four…
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] And then, once you hear about it, like, you may or may not contextually put together your own beliefs about what the barn is… It was exactly what I thought it was…
[Mary Robinette, DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] But, it’s each thing tells you, okay, this small question was answered, so I know the next question will be answered. That leads you towards the overall resolution of why is this important. Each single bit of information also tells you a little bit more of the reason that the girl is a girl in her mind’s eye, even though… When the event happens, she wasn’t young because it’s easier for her. You’re like, “Oh. That gives me both an emotional resolution and some more information about what’s happening here.” I think it is those smaller bits that really help to give the reader confidence that you are driving towards something.
[Mary Robinette] It’s also that more than one thread is active at any given time, more than one story thread, more than one piece of tension, active at any given time. And each scene is moving those, like… In… Ah, it’s so good. I’m thinking about, there’s the girl, but also the Ring Shout scene. That in that scene, you’re learning about how Ring Shout works. You’re also learning about violence that’s been happening other places. You are learning about how the Ku Klux’s work. All of those things move just a little bit. And then the weather begins to shift. Each time, it’s like… It’s all of these little tiny half steps that resolve something while shifting something else out of alignment. It’s something that you can do with your own work, is to look at scenes and see do you have only one thread that you’re moving and resolving tension for in a given scene? That’s for short fiction or longform.
[DongWon] It’s why overlapping sounds and overlapping rhythms and melodies create greater amplitude. Right? They’re not countering each other out. I mean, you want to make sure that they’re not canceling each other out, which is a thing that can happen. So if you have different kinds of tension and they’re running counter to each other, this can cause a drop in excitement and tension in the book. But if you’re doing what he’s doing here, which is adding all these different layers of here’s the most visceral immediate layer of like they’re fighting Ku Klux’s in the street after trying to blow them up with this trap to the memories every time she draws her sword. We know we’re going to get another beat on that particular layer. Then the Ring Shouts, the sort of epistolary pieces that start off each section…
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[DongWon] Each of those is adding another note to the sort of stack of melodies that we’re getting that is building over the course of the book. It makes the whole book feel like one of its own Ring Shouts. Right? It’s one of these owned stories that has this impact and potential and is saying something very specific and powerful.
[Erin] I also love that sometimes it’s building and creating emotion, even when you don’t think it is. So, for example, all the people, the voices that… The images basically that she’s getting when she draws the sword happen basically the same way every time that we see them the first few times. So it feels like this is just a thing. When you draw your sword, you get some random pretty tragic things that happened. But then those voices come into play at the end…
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Erin] Of the novella… Spoiler alert, but you were supposed to read the book. Like, those all come into play feels like such a great res… Like a resolution I wasn’t even expecting.
[DongWon, Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] I think that sometimes that is also something that we could do, which is to resolve a thing that you didn’t know needed resolution, that it feels so emotionally satisfying to get it.
[DongWon] You keep us moving so much that we forget that, oh, her best friend died, which means that she could be one of the spirits of the sword now. You know what I mean? So that moment when she comes is such a resolution to that whole arc, the arc of friendship, the arc of the tragedy of her death, and the ark of the sword, all coming together in a single moment that leads to such a big emotional catharsis for these two characters and this relationship.
[Howard] One of the things that makes this kind of movement and resolution satisfying is when it is always story driven, rather than driven by the necessity of the meta-, the beat chart. I want the reader to not know this yet. I want the reader… Now I want them to know this. Okay, that’s fine. Having a beat chart at the beginning that says the reader is in the dark about a whole bunch of things and this is my list of reveals. But every one of these reveals not only needs to be justified, but the reader needs to feel like there was a really good reason why nobody in whose POV I was had that information until just now. One of my favorite parts of the book is the realization that the trope of oh, I had this sword because I am the chosen one of these women who gave me the sword, and then, after the butcher shop scene, you’re like, “Wait a minute. I’m not their chosen one. I’m someone else’s chosen one.” I… Oh, and that’s the point at which, for me, I no longer knew… I had no clue where this was going to resolve. I was now genuinely frightened because there… We had this discussion years ago on the podcast. There’s so many worse things that can happen to a character than death.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Howard] Having them make the decision that you as the reader hate is so much worse. I was afraid of that.
[Mary Robinette] Yeah.
[Erin] [garbled] About the relationship between writer and reader, you were talking about the meta-beat, and I think that one of the things… A life thing that I have been thinking about recently is the difference between have to and get to. So, trying to reframe things that you have to do in your life as, like, I get to do that. It doesn’t always work…
[Erin] But…
[Mary Robinette] I may try it at home…
[Erin] But I do think that, like, sometimes instead of it’s “I have to hold this back from the reader,” it’s “at this point, I get to reveal this amazing thing to the reader and I’m going to build to that amazing moment of reveal.” So I think it’s about like wanting to share your story versus wanting to hold back your story.
[DongWon] This came up in one of my D&D games in a conversation with one of my players. We settled on this thing of the difference between holding a secret from you versus holding a secret for you.
[Mary Robinette] Oh, that’s great.
[DongWon] So… If you think of yourself as a writer holding the secret for your audience, you’re… It’s going to be more exciting, more fun, better resolution if they don’t know this thing yet versus like I’m keeping this thing from you and you don’t get to have it. Right? I think that subtle shift in the mind set… It’s as delicate as the get to, want to or get to, have to, or whatever it was. It’s as subtle as that distinction, but I think it’s a really important one, and that can be really helpful in getting to the most exciting kind of release at the end of the movement.
[Mary Robinette] I think that also gets to something that I often end up telling writers which is, like, “Okay. So what emotion do you want the writer to have? Because, gosh, that writer is clever is not…”
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] “Sustainable.” That is the I am holding the secret from you.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] The, “Oh, no,” is I am holding the secret for you.
[DongWon] Yeah. Exactly. [Garbled]
[Howard] My goal as a writer, as an early writer, would be… Yeah, I would like to be seen as clever. Now, I’ve reached the point where my goal is I want to be cursed by people who didn’t want to feel the thing that I just made them feel. That’s… For me, that’s the high bar. Do I curse P. Djèlí Clark?
[Mary Robinette] I do.
[Howard] Maybe a little bit.
[Howard] Maybe a little, but I enjoyed that ride quite a bit.
[Mary Robinette] I appreciated that ride.
[DongWon] Yeah.
[Mary Robinette] I’m not going to say that this was an enjoyable ride.
[Howard] Hey, we’ve got one or two more episodes to talk about this? Two more. All right. Let’s go ahead and wrap this up.
[Howard] In the musical vein, I have a fun homework for you. Write a scene three times. Same scene, and write it from scratch three times. But listen to different music each time. If you need help varying things, try all instrumental. Try something that’s got lots and lots of vocals. Try something that you are completely unfamiliar with, you’ve never listened to before. For… See how that changes what you put down on the page.
[Mary Robinette] This has been Writing Excuses. You’re out of excuses. Now go write.