Fifteen minutes long, because you're in a hurry, and we're not that smart.

18.45: NaNoWriMo Week 2 – Inciting Incident

Welcome to the first official week of National Novel Writing Month (or, almost the end of this week)! In this episode, we dive into how to write an inciting incident.  What is an inciting incident? It is often the thing that goes wrong in your story. Within the first page,…

18.44: NaNoWriMo Week 1- Getting Started

Welcome to National Novel Writing Month! For November, writers all over the world are trying to complete a novel, or write 50,000 words. In honor of NaNoWriMo, all of our November episodes are going to focus on writing a novel or big project.  For our first week—starting! How do you…

18.43: Worldbuilding in Miniature

If you’re writing short fiction, how much of your world do you even need to figure out? Should you have it all written out? Can you just wing it? This week on the podcast, we discuss how much of a world to build for a short story (and how). We…

18.42: Creating Magic Outside of a System

How do you write about magic? How do you build a world with magic and spells and potions? We dive into the rules and laws behind magical worlds. We often think of magic as being with a system, but what if it’s not? What opportunities and challenges do intrusive magic/emergent…

18.41: Deep Dive: Erin’s Short Fiction Extravaganza

If you write short stories or enjoy speculative fiction, this episode is for you. Our host Erin Roberts has written short stories, interactive fiction, and has built worlds for tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). For the next 8 episodes, we’ll be diving into three of her short stories. This week, Erin…

18.39: How To Write An Ending

Deep Dive: Sergeant In Motion How do you write an ending to a book? How do you finish something you’ve been writing for over 20 years? Howard Tayler talks to us about writing the ending to his serialized webcomic and space opera, Schlock Mercenary. We dive into how to write a…

18.37: Mandatory Failure

We talk with Howard Tayler about the story structure of a story with a BIG disaster in the middle – one which we don’t recover from until the next book. We also talk about the weight of world-building, how to write for your ideal reader. And Howard considers the question, what…